Like for example - can't have a collider trigger onEnter events with another collider if one of them is not a rigidBody. I was planning on using a cube/rectangular mesh near the front of the bulldozer blade - partially sunk into the terrain and look for collisions - and lower the terrain accordingly. No dice. God forbid, I give this 'scout' object a rigidbody - the bulldozer bucks like a wild bronco!
If I were to create my own mesh based terrain 'thing', I'd run into the same performance issues that Unity had/has to deal with (and I am assuming they are a lot smarter than I). I COULD abandon the bulldozer scrape/move capabilities and concentrate only on excavator/backhoe style digging - but that's not what I want.
Looks like I need to look at voxel based methods now- including such mathematical marvels as Marching Cubes!